According to the National Eye Institute, the prevalence of myopia (nearsightedness) has increased 66% in the United States between 1971-1972 and 1999-2004. High myopia is associated with vision threatening complications: Myopic Maculopathy, retinal detachments, premature cataracts, glaucoma, and reduced quality of life. Lower myopia is associated with better outcomes from refractive surgery. Recent research from Asia to America has shown there are various treatments which can slow the progression of myopia in children and adolescents.
- Atropine eye drops administered nightly to reduce myopia progression in youths. This new therapy is a 1st or 2nd line of defense against myopia increase.
- CRT Paragon Corneal Refractive Therapy. We are Paragon Corneal Refractive Therapy certified and have fit and dispensed CRT lenses (usually same day) from a generous contact lens stock for 15 years.
Soft Multifocal lenses worn during daytime daily also are available for Myopia control therapy. The MiSight Lens by Coopervision has just received FDA approval for myopia control.
Corneal refractive therapy (CRT) lenses are super high oxygen gas permeable lenses worn while you sleep to eliminate your myopia and astigmatism for the day. Studies have shown decreased myopia progression in children and adolescents wearing CRT lenses compared to soft contact lens, bifocal, or under-corrected spectacles.
Upon waking, the lenses are removed, and patients should see 20/20 for most of the day. CRT lenses may be fitted after a comprehensive eye exam. Special training for insertion, removal and caring of these lenses as well as regular follow-ups are provided with this program. Adults and children will benefit from freedom from contacts and glasses while they swim or play sports. These lenses are FDA approved for children and adults who have myopia up to -6.00 and astigmatism up to -2.00. This is a great alternative to LASIK and daytime contacts since it is completely reversible, with the added benefit of long lasting myopia reduction.
CRT is a valuable therapy to use from childhood until young adulthood, at which point patients may consider LASIK surgery to permanently reduce their myopia and astigmatism.
All our optometrists are parents and enjoy seeing kids! We advised that children have pediatric eye exams annually starting at age 2 years old. We feel that your child’s refractive error (vision) should be tracked and measured. If our doctors detect an acceleration towards myopia from hyperopia (farsightedness), we suggested initiating myopia therapy. We find that earlier intervention and therapy would provide a better outcome for your child’s vision.